Zipping and Deploying an Alchemy Compatibility Package

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Applies to: Alchemy

30/09/2022 Cliff Hobbs   ID: 280111

Cloudhouse Alchemy Compatibility Packages can be compressed to reduce the time taken to copy them across the network or for storing them as a single file on file shares.

The example DeployZippedPackage.ps1 shown below can be used by deployment teams from within Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager/SCCM or other deployment tools to extract and then run the deployment command.

Process to ZIP a Compatibility Package

  1. Zip the contents of the Compatibility Package's folder (not the parent folder) using Windows Explorer or a compression program such as 7-Zip.

  1. Create a PowerShell script like the one below to extract the Compatibility Package from the ZIP file and then run the Cloudhouse.Container.Deploy.exe command.

Example DeployZippedPackage.ps1

Please ensure you test this script, or any other script, in your environment.



Utility to extract and deploy a Zipped Compatibility Package

This utility extracts a Cloudhouse Alchemy Compatibility Package (zipped using Explorer, WinZip or 7-Zip) into the user's %temp% directory. The Compatibility Package will be extracted to %temp%\ZipName.

If the unzipped Compatibility Package exists, it will be deleted (recursive delete) and replaced with the latest files extracted from zip. Once the Compatibility Package has been installed, the temp files will be deleted

.PARAMETER sourcezip
Provide the filename of the zipped Compatibility Package

.PARAMETER deploycmd
Provide the name of the Cloudhouse utility, e.g. Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe

.PARAMETER deployargs
Provide the args to be passed to depoyment tool. Please note if the path you want to deploy to contains a space you must add single quotes around the arguments provided.

User deployment to c:\programdata
.\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe -deployargs "/deploydir c:\programdata /deploytype user /acceptEULA"

Uninstall a Compatibility Package installed for a user in c:\programdata
.\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe "/deploytype user /uninstall"

Machine deployment to c:\program files, please note you MUST use additional single quotes to ensure the space in path is handled correctly
.\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe '"/deploydir c:\programdata /deploytype Machine /acceptEULA"'


$current_path = Get-Location

$source = Join-Path -Path $current_path -ChildPath $sourcezip

# Make sure the zipped package exists
If( -Not (Test-Path $source)) {
    Write-Output (-join("Zipped Compatibility Package doesn't exist, exiting ", $source))

#set destination directory to %temp%\sourcezip
$container_path = ([System.Io.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($sourcezip))
$dest = $env:temp
$unzipdest = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath $container_path

If(Test-path $unzipdest) {
    Write-Output (-join("Destination already exists, deleting: ", $dest))
    Remove-Item $unzipdest -recurse

# extract the zip archive
Write-Output (-join("Extracting the Compatibility Package ", $source))
Add-Type -assembly ""
try {
     [io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($source, $dest)
    Write-Output (-join("Extracted the zipped Compatibility Package ", $dest))
catch {
    Write-Output "`nFailed to extract the Compatibility Package", $PSItem

$cmd = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($unzipdest, $deploycmd)
$command = "$cmd $deployargs"
Write-Output "Executing command: ", $command
Invoke-Expression $command
#Remove-Item $dest -recurse
#Write-Output "Deleted the extracted Compatibility Package from the temp directory"



Utility to extract and deploy a Zipped Compatibility Package


This utility will extract a Cloudhouse Alchemy Compatibility Package (zipped using Explorer, WinZip or 7-Zip) into the user's %temp% directory. The Compatibility Package will be extracted to %temp%\ZipName.

If the unzipped Compatibility Package exists, it will be deleted (recursive delete) and replaced with the latest files extracted from zip. Once the Compatibility Package has been installed, the temp files will be deleted

.PARAMETER sourcezip

Provide the filename of the zipped Compatibility Package 

.PARAMETER deploycmd

Provide the name of the Cloudhouse utility, e.g. Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe

.PARAMETER deployargs

Provide the args to be passed to depoyment tool. Please note if the path you want to deploy to contains a space you must add single quotes around the arguments provided.


User deployment to c:\programdata
.\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe -deployargs "/deploydir c:\programdata /deploytype user /acceptEULA"

Uninstall a Compatibility Package installed for a user in c:\programdata
.\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe "/deploytype user /uninstall"

Machine deployment to c:\program files, please note you MUST use additional single quotes to ensure the space in path is handled correctly
.\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe '"/deploydir c:\programdata /deploytype Machine /acceptEULA"'




$current_path = Get-Location

$source = Join-Path -Path $current_path -ChildPath $sourcezip

# Make sure the zipped package exists
If( -Not (Test-Path $source)) { 
    Write-Output (-join("Zipped Compatibility Package doesn't exist, exiting ", $source))

#set destination directory to %temp%\sourcezip
$container_path = ([System.Io.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($sourcezip))
$dest = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath $container_path 

If(Test-path $dest) {
    Write-Output (-join("Destination already exists, deleting: ", $dest))
    Remove-Item $dest -recurse

# extract the zip archive
Write-Output (-join("Extracting the Compatibility Package ", $source))
Add-Type -assembly ""
try {
    [io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($source, $dest)
    Write-Output (-join("Extracted the zipped Compatibility Package ", $dest))
catch {
    Write-Output "`nFailed to extract the Compatibility Package", $PSItem

$cmd = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($dest, $deploycmd)
$command = "$cmd $deployargs"
Write-Output "Executing command: ", $command
Invoke-Expression $command

#Remove-Item $dest -recurse
#Write-Output "Deleted the extracted Compatibility Package from the temp directory"


To get help:

PS > help .\DeployZippedPackage.ps1

To extract to AppNamePackage

PS > .\DeployZippedPackage.ps1 -sourcezip -deploycmd Cloudhouse.Container.Deployment.exe -deployargs "/deploydir c:\programdata /deploytype user"


Sample scripts are not supported under any Cloudhouse standard support program or service.

The sample scripts are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.

Cloudhouse further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.

The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you.

In no event shall Cloudhouse, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Cloudhouse has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

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