Alchemy Glossary

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Applies to: Alchemy

27/07/2024 Cliff Hobbs   ID: 357058

This topic contains a Glossary of Terms related to Cloudhouse Alchemy and the Compatibility Packages it produces.



AAV: See AppAcceleratorV.exe
Alchemy Compatibility Package See Compatibility Package.
AppAcceleratorV.exe Also known as AAV, this executable is the compatibility engine for a Cloudhouse Compatibility Package. It applies redirections, isolation and compatibility fixes to processes launched under it.
Auto Packager An Alchemy tool that allows you to easily package an application into a Compatibility Package.
AutoPackager.exe Running this executable starts a wizard allowing you to capture the current state of the computer, install the application, capture the post configuration state of the computer, and finally perform post-configuration of the Compatibility Package.


Capture: The process of creating a snapshot of the computer's current state.
Cloudhouse Application The Cloudhouse tool itself (i.e. the software created and provided by Cloudhouse under the terms of the EULA). This does NOT include the 3rd party legacy application that is being packaged. This is the element that is covered by the Support service included in the subscription license and is covered by the annual Support and Maintenance fee for Perpetual Licenses.
Cloudhouse Compatibility Container See Compatibility Package.
Cloudhouse Packager Depending on the context, this can mean a) the consultant performing the packaging work or b) The element of the Cloudhouse Application that creates or updates a package. The license to use this part of the Cloudhouse Application is covered either by the subscription fee or the support and maintenance element for perpetual licenses.
Cloudhouse Professional Services Cloudhouse’s in-house Professional Services department who can package, support and coordinate the process of creating Compatibility Packages.
Compatibility Containers See Compatibility Package.
Compatibility Package
Cloudhouse Alchemy Compatibility Packages provide compatibility for Windows 10 and Server 2016 and 2019 platforms, so that 32-bit business applications that can only run on Windows XP, 7, and 8 and Server 2000, 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2 will be compatible with the modern platforms.

Unlike application virtualisation or layering solutions, which provide packaging as a means of application-to-application isolation or deployment, Cloudhouse abstracts applications from the underlying platform, isolates their run times and provides compatibility for 64-bit desktop, server operating systems, Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Office plug-ins.
Container See Compatibility Package.
Containerising See Packaging.


EULA See End User Licensing Agreement.
End-User Licensing Agreement The mandatory terms that cover the usage of the Cloudhouse Application by an End Client.


Microsoft Desktop Bridge Converter tool A tool that allows you to convert existing Windows desktop applications or games to .appx packages which can be easily deployed and maintained.
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Microsoft's change and configuration management tool for managing devices. Formerly known as System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).


Notepad++ A free text editor that includes syntax highlighting and supports JSON and XML files which are used as part of the packaging process. Download Notepad++ from


Package See Compatibility Package.
Packager The person performing the Packaging of an application into a Compatibility Package.
Packaging   Packaging an application into a Cloudhouse Compatibility Package involves packaging the application where it is running today (which can be as simple as App-V sequencing). Once created, the Compatibility Package can be deployed and managed using existing tools such as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager/System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Docker, Group Policy, amongst others.
Packaging Computer A computer (server or desktop) with the same OS and Service Pack to the Reference Computer. The Compatibility Package is created on this computer and tested to ensure it works on this OS before migrating to the Target Computer.
Packaging Server See Packaging Computer.


Reference Computer Also known as the Source Computer, this is the computer with a known working instance of the application installed on it. This can be a clone, restored backup, or production computer that the Customer wishes to create a Compatibility Package for.


SCCM See Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.
Snapshot The state of a computer at a particular point in time.
Source Computer In packaging terms, the computer (server or desktop), that is currently running the application to be packaged. Also known as the Reference Computer.
Source Machine See Source Computer.
Source Server See Source Computer.


Target Computer The computer (server or desktop) that is running the new OS, for example, Windows 10/2016. This computer is used to prove the Compatibility Package works on the new OS.
Target Machine See Target Computer.
Target Server See Target Computer.


UAT See User Acceptance Testing.
UWP See Universal Windows Platform.
Universal Windows Platform Introduced in Windows 10, the Universal Windows Platform provides a common app platform on every device that runs Windows 10. The UWP core APIs are the same on all Windows devices. If your app only uses the core APIs, it will run on any Windows 10 device no matter whether you are targeting a desktop PC, Xbox, Mixed-reality headset, and so on.
User Acceptance Testing The process where the nominated person (user), tests the Compatibility Package to ensure it is functional and meets the acceptance criteria. The planning of this testing should have coverage relevant to the ultimately planned usage for the application post-project. The user can be anyone (except Cloudhouse), who is in a position to access the application, has the knowledge to perform the tests, and whose opinion will be accepted by the stakeholders.

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