What's new in Cloudhouse release 1710

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Applies to: AppAcceleratorV, Auto Packager, and Cloudhouse Containers

27/07/2024 Cliff Hobbs   ID: 279601


Release 1710 is now available from Cloudhouse.

New features and fixes for AppAcceleratorV, the Auto Packager, and the Cloudhouse Compatibility Containers™ created by the Auto Packager. All changes detailed have been released throughout October 2017.

New Features in AppAcceleratorV (released 4th October 2017):

  • AAV logs are written to the following locations on XP to %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Cloudhouse\<AppName> and on later Operating Systems to %LocalAppData%\Cloudhouse\<AppName>

Fixes in Containers (released 4th October 2017):

  • Security - Container deployments no longer set Everyone Full Control on the Container folder. Permissions on ProgData are now inherited and Read, Write, Execute permissions are set for the local Users group for all subfolders and files in C:\ProgramFiles\<ContainerID>. Permissions no longer need to be created manually.

Fixes in Auto Packager (released 4th October 2017):

  • Packager adds the name of the application to the AAV configuration AppAcceleratorV.clc file.
  • Packager captures %Programs% as %Programsx86% on Windows XP 32-Bit.


Cloudhouse recommends using the Auto Packager on x86 operating systems only, re-directions will not be created correctly for applications that contain a mix of x64 and x86 components. Containers will be created successfully for applications that contain only x64 components, but successful packaging on this platform requires detailed knowledge of the application prior to packaging.

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